Counting On: Michelle Duggar Sends GLOWING Letter To judge In Josh Duggar Case pre-sentencing Highlighting His “Tender Heart”

If anyone has read Michelle Duggar’s pre-sentencing letter to the judge in Josh Duggar’s case, then you’re probably convinced that the Lord God above has delivered her of every last braincell that she had, or maybe it’s some other entity.

The letter reads like something that you would send to the pastor of a Vacation Bible School sleepaway camp, trying to convince him that your child should be allowed to return to camp on his good merits alone, and while that may work in church circles, it does not work in legal circles… Michelle Duggar needs to realize that. The letter reads as follows.

“Your Honor,

Hello, I am writing you this letter in regard to the sentencing of my son, Joshua Duggar. My heart is to share some things about Joshua’s character that may not be fully known to the court. It is my sincere hope that these things are taken into consideration as a fair and just sentence is determined.

Michelle Duggar sends letter to judge in Josh Duggar’s case pre-sentencing

Leading up to the sentencing day, I want to make clear that Joshua has friends and family who will support him in his abilities to succeed as a husband, father, business owner and man both now and in the future!”

That’s about the moment we all did a double take… because when has Joshua Dugar been a successful husband? Because a lot of girls on Ashley Madison would beg to differ, in fact we’re pretty sure that a lot of his previous contacts from the website are shrieking with laughter right about now. Also, Michelle seems to forget that it takes more to being a Father than just simple biology… then again it worked for JimBob… oh wait, it didn’t. The letter goes on to say,

“Joshua has a tender heart and he is compassionate towards others. If someone is having a difficult time, he is often one of the first ones to encourage or try to help them in a tangible way.” Considering what the definition of “tangible” is, that may or may not be a good thing in Joshua’s case.

“He and his wife and children have helped many others by doing cleaning and repair projects and lending a helping hand. Joshua has always been a positive and upbeat person. He is wise financially – saving money for the future and purposing not to go into debt. He is a good provider for his family, working dillegently and thinking of creative ways to support his wife and children. He is also generous and shares his resources with others in need. One example of his heart to help others is that Joshua has been giving financial assistance to a widow friend of ours for several years.”

How this part of the letter should have read: Help, our daughter-in-law is trained for nothing, she can’t even sell Avon much less run a car lot and we’ll be stuck supporting her and the kids if you lock him away! We already have 19 mouths to feed, give us a break!

Also… widow friend? Interesting. Rumor has it that Joshua has ever so generously given $2K a month to this widow friend of theirs for the past several years. Considering Josh’s past… that’s just… really interesting.

“On a personal level, Joshua is an organized and dilligent individual. He has set a good example of applying himself to his work and in the many other responsibilities he carries as a husband and father.

Dear Michelle,
An entire jury of Josh’s peers would beg to differ, but perhaps you do have a point, maybe he is organized and dilligent, after all, he did build an entire partition to keep his stash organized and away from his accountability partner, Anna, but that’s where the organization and dilligence ends, it would seem. Ahem.

“Joshua is a loving and patient man, striving to be a blessing and provide for his family! He has also spent quality time with his wife and children learning life skills and going on family outings. Side by side Joshua and his family have built forts, learned how to work on bicycles and other vehicles, gone camping, hiked, fished, and played countless games and sports – together!”

Try it one more time, Michelle, this time with a little less detail about family outings and a lot more accountability for Josh’s actions. That is part of the belief system, isn’t it? Being accountable for one’s actions? Or does that just apply to certain individuals? Also, did she write a letter like this for Jana’s case? Is that why it was dismissed? Funny, because there doesn’t seem to be any record of that existing.

“As I look to his return, I stand ready to offer my continued love and encouragement to Joshua and his family and for their success in the future – together! We ask that he would be reunited with his wife and family in a timely manner.”

By timely, does she mean by the time the youngest is a junior in college? Because, that’s what the timeline is looking like. Oh wait, college isn’t such a thing in those circles, silly me.

Michelle Duggar, 55 year old Michelle Duggar, signed her letter to a judge, with an i dotted with a heart.

A heart.

In normal circles, we would think a letter like this is satire, it has to be, right? No Mother would write a judge about her son’s impending sentencing for possesion of Child Pornography, some of the worst the investigators have ever seen, and act like this… unless she truly, truly didn’t believe that Josh actually did anything.

…And if she doesn’t, then… I’m not sure what is more worrisome, how deluded this Mother is by her own belief system and the belief in her seemingly infallible son, or the fact that this seemingly infallible son has not only deluded half his entire family but attempted a career in politics. Hey, there’s always prison, Charles Manson started out in prison ministry.

Oh wait…  Scratch that. We at DSD will keep you posted on the Duggar Trial. Stay tuned!!!

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