La Reina del Sur, Season 2/Episode 24: El amor es ciego (Love is blind)

Friday, May 24th La Reina del Sur spoilers reveal that Teresa Mendoza (Kate del Castillo) might be pressing her luck, and it’s never a good idea to mess with an ex who is running for President. If you missed all the action, let’s get to your La Reina del Sur recap.

La Reina del Sur spoilers: Are you crazy?

Oleg Yasikov (Antonio Gil) is upset today, as Teresa is returning to the safe house at the wee hours after being dropped off by Francesco Belmondo (Raoul Bova). He is furious that she’d put everyone at risk by letting someone know where they’re all staying, and they have a trip to take in the morning. He doesn’t trust Francesco, and thinks Teresa is losing her cool head. He warns her about having been right before when he doesn’t trust someone, and Teresa agrees she definitely should have listened in the case of Teo Aljarafe (Miguel de Miguel). Still, she is into this guy so we’re not expecting her to wise up any time soon, despite her own misgivings about her past with men. She tells Oleg she doesn’t want to fight with him, as he’s a brother to her and has done so much already for her and Sofia Dantes (Isabella Sierra). Ending the conversation, he suggests they both go get some sleep.

Later, Teresa has a bit of a gossip session with Marcela (Carmen Navarro) and Sheila (Cuca Escribano), where she admits to having slept with Francesco. She also admits her fears about her past with men, but she apparently is still planning to take the trip with Francesco instead of them.

La Reina del Sur spoilers: Lead astray

Carmen Martínez (Patricia Reyes Spíndola) has gone on air and spilled all about her marriage to Epifanio Vargas (Humberto Zurita) to Marietta Lancaster (Anna Ciocchetti) on Cara a Cara. She claims their marriage was secret due to Epifanio’s love of privacy, but she’s willing to come forward now. She actually does a great job of selling Epifanio as this amazing candidate who’ll change the country, as well as being an honest man who’s never been tempted to go astray from his vows. Right. We’re wondering how she’s keeping a straight face, but when you’re convinced you’re on a mission from God, we suppose all things are possible.

The whole thing ends up becoming a bit more than she bargained for. Almost right after she arrives home from the program, Virginia Vargas (Vera Mercado) confronts her mother about the program. She’s convinced Epifanio is going to be furious, and has no idea what her mom was thinking. This is going around today. Anyway, there are already reporters outside clamoring for an interview. Plus, Epifanio has learned of the interview and is on a rampage. He stops by to confront her over her few minutes of fame, then warns her she’s never met a really pissed Epifanio.

La Reina del Sur spoilers: At all costs

Speaking of the race and that interview, Alejandro Alcalá (Mark Tacher) is also raging about it. He actually starts trashing his office and screaming like a mad man, which attracts the attention of the other workers, one of whom confronts him about the interview. He wants to know if Alejandro was aware of the marriage, but he’s too angry to answer. He rages that the truth is going to be what he says it is, then orders everyone back to work before closing himself in his office.

The complications for this campaign don’t stop there, nor to the desperate measures. Padre Anselmo Garrido (Hugo Gómez) is enjoying his protégé’s interview with Marietta when a mystery person enters the place. They come up behind him and shoot him before taking off. His body is later discovered in a confessional by Carmen, who is freaked out. She calls the police after blaming herself for this happening, then makes her way to Epifanio’s place to accuse him of the crime.

As for the other party in this whole mess, Genoveva Alcalá (Kika Edgar), she’s not having Epifanio’s explanations for this secret marriage. She’s done with him and the lies, and is planning to leave town as soon as her class is over. She maybe should have stayed home, because now that the truth is out, Jimena Montes (María Camila Giraldo) gets a dig in right after the class is over about the relationship. Nothing like a student disillusioned with their mentor…

La Reina del Sur spoilers: Never phone home

Rocío and Paloma Aljarafe (Sara Vidorreta and Agata Herranz) never learn. Despite Cayetana Segovia’s (Luisa Gavasa) attitude toward them, they place a call home anyway to check and see how she’s doing. They speak with Charo (Carmen Flores Sandoval), who tells them their abuela isn’t exactly well, but is doing better than before. Paloma decides to take this opportunity to share a secret with Charo: she’s pregnant by Juan (Pol Monen). She begs her not to tell Cayetana, but that’s a moot point. Cayetana was already suspicious of the call and listened in on another phone. She expresses her complete disgust over her blood being mixed with the gypsy’s and makes it clear she doesn’t want to hear from them. After, she smacks Charo and warns her never to keep secrets from her again.

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La Reina Del Sur
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