How We KNOW Meghan Markle LIES Based on Her Former Blog, “The Tig,” Her “Passion Project” That Reveals Her As PHONY

Meghan Markle said that she named her blog “The Tig” after her favorite wine, “Tignanello,” a rich, bold Italian red wine that made her understand what people meant when they talk about “the notes” and the quality of truly good wine.

The Duchess had an ah-ha moment after she took a sip of this incredible, “life-changing” wine, and so she decided that the name “The Tig” was the perfect name for her website because it meant “ah-ha, now I get it,” as she once said in an interview with Emirates Women in 2015.

Meghan Markle Has Happy Memories of the Father She Cast Aside

Meghan wrote this blog for three years. She would discuss travel, wellness, fashion, and beauty. Meghan has long talked about her estrangement from her father, Thomas Markle, whom she casually tossed aside after becoming involved with Prince Harry.

On her blog, she recounted many happy memories of her father and their relationship. In a Father’s Day tribute, she talked about how her dad would take her to and pick her up from her ballet and tap classes “religiously” when she was growing up.

Meghan made it clear in her posts that her father put every ounce of his effort into making sure that Meghan had a bright future

“so I could grow up and have so much,”

she gushed.

At the end of the post, she said,

“To my Dad, my thoughtful, inspiring, hardworking Daddy-Happy Father’s Day.”

And she made this weird statement,

“If I had all the water in the world, I’d give all the water to you.”

It was something between them that only the two of them would understand. Meghan once claimed she knew nothing about the royal family.

The Lie That Blew Up In Her Face

That lie blew up in her face when it was discovered the lengths she went to to snatch up Harry. On their first date, she wore his Mother Princess Diana’s favorite perfume, “Quelques Fleurs ” by Houbigant, to ensure she’d win him over.

According to royal biographer Angela Levin,

“The first time they met, she had Diana’s perfume on. Of course, Harry was just overwhelmed by that because he was a boy who loved cuddling up to his mother.”

The Prince was captivated from that moment forward.

Meghan, who claimed not to know anything about the royals, made a nasty comment in “The Tig” about Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding. Before she met Harry, she was quite outspoken about the royal couple.

Meghan remarked that (Kate was a)

“Grown woman who entertained childhood fantasies about fairytale princesses.”

She said that so much conversation was devoted to Kate and her wedding.

Meghan inferred that Kate’s goals were “childish” compared to hers. The duchess said she wanted to become “She-Ra, Princess of Power” as a kid.

Meghan discussed the “pomp and circumstance” of William and Kate’s wedding.

“Little girls dream of being princesses. I, for one, was all about She-Ra Princess of Power.”

She explained that She-Ra was the sister of He-Man, and she had a cool sword and her cape was unique.

“We’re definitely not talking about Cinderella here,”

she quipped.

“Very inspiring, Meghan.”

So there you have it. What did you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. If you enjoyed this article, check out our other stories on the Daily Soap Dish.

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Meghan MarklePrince HarryThe TigThomas Markle
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