90 Day Fiancé Spoilers: Stephanie Woodcock Interferes With Robert & Anny – Where to begin?

90 Day Fiancé spoilers indicate that, Robert and Anny have a lot to unpack. Robert sevided to let Anny meet Bryson’s Grandparents, which is a wise thing to do since Anny is going to be a permanent fixture in Bryson’s life. Although now that all of these skeletons have been revealed, I’m not sure if she wants to be or not! So as of last night, Robert introduced these two ladies and from the very beginning there were fireworks – and not in the good way!

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Anny started things off by saying that she was going to be very standoffish with Ben and Stephanie (the Grandparents). When asked what she was going to say to them she said “Hi, how you doing, bye!” which at first seemed rather unfriendly but then we got to unpacking things and I must say I ended up surprising myself by taking Anny’s side! Stephanie had some.legit questions, one of which was “What are your intentions for coming to the U.S.” but when Anny said that she did not feel comfortable answering that question, then she should have left it there.

90 Day Fiancé Spoilers: Robert and Anny – Where to begin?

Then she did something that, even as a rather open person, I would say was totally wrong. She asked Anny what method of birth control she was using. Seriously, Steph, I get that you’re a porn star but there is a reason you don’t ‘talk shop’ with civillians. Another thing, hispanic culture is notoriously conservative so if you were expecting a non-judgemental welcome then you were barking up the wrong tree. Dominican culture is no different.

Speaking a bit for Anny here, I doubt I would be comfortable with a random woman who just told me she was a porn star asking about my birth control methods within our first 15 minutes of meeting as well! Also, Robert is not actually their son he would be their son-in-law. So he is right when he maintains that they really don’t have any rights to his own personal business in that regard and even less so with Anny. Stephanie has no right to be asking what type of birth control, if any, that Anny is on. The only thing she has a right to know about is how Anny relates to Bryson and that is pretty much it.

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Also Ben needs to slow his roll as well, he was acting offended that Robert didn’t tell him about this girl that he had been talking to for the past two years. Seriously, why does he care? I get that technically Robert is his son-in-law and that would cultivate some kind of bond but he is not and never will be Robert’s Dad. He is the Grandad and Robert is the full-time custodial parent in this situation. Unless there is something that the show is not telling us, and there very well could be, then he needs to step back. Everyone with the exception of Bryson is an adult in this situation and is well and fully capable of making their own decisions.

90 Day Fiancé Spoilers: Sympathy for the devil

I also felt some sympathy for Anny because the poor thing sounded like death in this episode. She got sick while over here. I hope its the kind of sick that can be remedied with over the counter medication because its going to cost the same amount as a designer bag to go to the ER in the US! I am glad that Robert took up for her when she told him about Stephanie but I have a feeling the damage has already been done. She wants him to delete all the pictures on his social media of all his exes, she accuses him of wanting to keep ‘memories of his bitches’ (direct quote!) and wants him to erase them all from his social media, which Robert won’t do.

90 Day Fiancé Spoilers: Let it go, Robert

He says its because he doesn’t want to delete the picture of Bryson and his Mom but just because you don’t have them on social media doesn’t mean you can’t save them on a cloud or something. Saving them on a cloud for Bryson later would be fine but I can understand why she wouldn’t want pictures of them together on social media. So Robert is being a bit unreasonable there. One could argue that Anny is being unreasonable too by not putting up any pics of her and Robert on instagram, but honestly, no pics are better than pics of exes. He accuses her of trying to hide her past so far there hasn’t been any real evidence of that besides lack of instagram posts. Some people just don’t post that much on instagram, so I can see where she wouldn’t be advertising her significant other on IG all that much. I think these two both signed on for the people that the other thought they were and not the people they truly are. Will this be a dealbreaker? Stay tuned!

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90 Day Fiancé90 Day Fiancé SpoilersRobert and AnnyStephanie Woodcock
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